Healing treatments
2020, Installation with tools on table, zinc plate, 4 drypoint technique on handmade paper


Blood, treatment for sanguine, 79*107cm

Mucous, treatment for phlegmatic, 79*107cm

Yellow bile, treatment for cholerics, 79*107cm

Black bile, treatment for melancholics, 79*107cm

Medical instruments

Zinc plate (body) in detail

Healing treatments
The installation was created with the inspiration of the ancient humoral theory, which was used until the 19th century for therapeutic treatments. The Humorism states that the balance of the four bodily fluid blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile is a prerequisite for a healthy body.
For this purpose, the skin was wounded in the same way as in torture.
The effect is interesting because the injury enables healing.
Drypoint printing, in which the color is extracted from the deepened lines created by pointed tools, is similar to the humoral theory, in which the internal body fluid must be extracted.
Moreover, the injuries of the zinc plate body are gradually flattened by working several times, just as the wounds heal. The paper is staged as laundry hanging in the air: the cloths that were used up in the treatment are dried.
테이블 위에 도구들, 아연판, 종이에 4가지 드라이포인트 기법, 2020.
19세기까지 실제로 치료에 사용되었던 고대 체액 이론에서 영감을 받은 작업입니다.
이 이론은 혈, 가래, 황담즙, 흑담즙 네가지 액의 균형이 건강한 신체의 전제 조건이라고 말합니다.
이를 위해 고문과 같은 방식으로 피부에 상처를 입혔는데, 상처가 치유를 가능하게 만든다는 점이 흥미롭습니다.
뾰족한 도구로 긇혀 만들어진 선에서 색을 추출하는 드라이포인트 방법은 우리 몸의 체액이 추출되어야 한다는 이 체액론과 유사합니다.
또한, 아연판 몸체의 상처는 사람의 피부에서의 상처가 아물듯이 여러 번 작업을 하면 점차 평평해집니다 (치유).
Installation mit Werkzeuge auf Tisch, Zinkplatte, Seile und 4 Kaltnadeltechnik auf Büttenpapier, 2020.
Die Installation ist mit der Inspiration der antiken Viersäftelehre entstanden, die bis ins 19.Jh. für therapeutisch Behandelungen verwendet wurde.
Die Viersäftelehre besagt, dass das Gleichgewicht von den vier Körpersäften Blut, Schleim, gelbe und schwarze Galle für einen gesunden Körper eine Voraussetzung ist.
Dafür verletzte man an die Haut so wie bei Folter.
Die Wirkung ist interessant, da die Verletzung eine Heilung ermöglicht. Das Tiefdruckverfahren, in dem die Farbe aus den vertieften Linien, die durch spitze Werkzeuge entstanden sind, herausgezogen wird, ähnelt der Viersäftelehre, bei der die inneren Säfte herausgeholt werden müssen.
Die Verletzungen des Zinkplattenkörpers werden zudem durch mehrmaliges Arbeiten allmählich flach, so wie die Wunden heilen. Das Büttenpapier ist als Wäsche inszeniert, die in der Luft hängt: die Tücher, die bei der Behandlung verbraucht wurden, werden getrocknet.