
2015-17, ceramics

Miriam workplace, ca.52,5*38cm

Jakob workplace, ca.53,5*38cm

In an art museum, ca.52,5*38cm

In an art museum, ca.52,5*38cm

In an art museum, ca.38*52,5cm

In an art museum, ca.52,5*38cm

[ENG] raw
The red lines in my work are an expression of the aliveness created by scratching the clay surface.

The red lines are like wounds on the skin. These scratched lines are filled with the red pigment and smoothed by the glaze. As a result, the red lines radiate a certain calmness in the work.

Under the red lines are drawn the rooms, which are usually set up an exhibition in an art gallery or the workplace of students. This suggests situations of becoming.

[KOR] 날것
작업의 붉은 선은 흙 표면을 긁어 만든 상처의 표현으로, 생동감, 살아있음을 의미한다. 거친 선은 붉은 안료로 채워지고 유약으로 인해 다시 부드러워진다. 이 과정은 결과적으로 차분함을 발산한다.

빨간 선 아래에는 미술관에서 전시가 설치되기 전의 상황이나 학생들의 작업실 모습을 그린다.

무엇인가가 되기 전의 상황이다.

[DEU] roh
Die roten Linien in meiner Arbeiten sind eine Expression der Lebendigkeit, die durch das Kratzen an der Tonoberfläche entstehen.

Die roten Linien sind wie Wunden. Diese gekratzte Linien werden mit dem roten Pigment gefüllt und durch die Glasur geglättet. Dadurch strahlen die roten Linien in der Arbeit eine gewisse Ruhe aus.

Unter den roten Linien verbergen sich Räume, in denen meist eine Ausstellung in einer Kunsthalle aufgebaut wird oder der Arbeitsplatz von Studenten.

Dies sind Situationen des Werdens.


2016, Printing on paper

A heap of material boxes in an art museum, 38*32cm

hanging pictures above a door, 25,5*31,5cm

In an art museum with a vacuum cleaner, 107*75cm

Ich, 25,5*32cm